Harry Qiu
Masters Candidate
Clinical Engineering, IBBME (University of Toronto)
Jianfeng (Harry) Qiu holds a BEng(Hons) degree in Electronics and Information Engineering from The Hong Kong Polytechnic University. For his undergraduate final year project, Harry developed a mathematical model to capture the stochastic dynamics of wireless communication in the context of IEEE 802.11p Vehicular Ad-hoc Network (VANET). During his one year placement in Advanced Analogic Technology Inc., Harry gained experience in semiconductor process engineering, and implemented several power MOSFET layout designs.
Harry started his Master of Health Science in Clinical Engineering in 2012 with an ambition to apply his electronics knowledge into the healthcare domain. For his master thesis, he is working on implementing a passive system for vital signs extraction (ECG, respiratory rate etc.) in homecare application. The system will enable zero-effort health monitoring by embedding sensors into everyday furniture such as beds and chairs.
Selected Publications
J.F. Qiu, I.W.H. Ho and C.K. Tse, "A Stochastic Traffic Modeling Approach for 802.11p VANET Broadcasting Performance Evaluation," IEEE International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications, (PIMRC'12), Sydney, Australia, September 2012.